The errors in the estimated trajectory for USER 47
Accuracy = 62.3148%
The above accuracy score reflects the percentage of the ground-truth path length that was estimated correctly. Accordingly, the estimated trajectory of user 47 is 62.3148% accurate (expressed as the percentage of the ground-truth path length which was correctly recovered).
The animation is in SVG format. If it is not visible, download the SVG plugin. Note that problems have been reported with regard to SVG animations when using Netscape or Mozilla on Windows platforms. Until this issue is resolved it is advised that Internet Explorer is used on Windows platforms. No problems have been reported on Linux or other platforms.
Animation information:
An error can be identified where the error signal (top) is non-zero. The height of each non-zero pulse corresponds to the path length of an erroneous curve
Blue lines indicate insertion errors (erroneous curves between two consecutive correct points). Green lines indicate deletion errors (curves in the ground truth that were omitted). Substitution errors are erroneous curves between non-consecutive correct points. Accordingly, red lines indicate the curves in the ground truth that were omitted (substitution-deletion errors). These curves were replaced by erroneous curves (substitution-insertion errors) indicated by pink lines.
The points that were estimated correctly (red circle) and all the erroneous points (blue circle) were mapped on to each other, as indicated by the animations
The static image to unravel
Errors were subdivided as follows (also expressed as percentages of the ground-truth path length):